Posts Tagged ‘illustration’

I’m a children’s book illustrator as well!

July 16, 2008

Hi, my name is Richard Duszczak and I am a freelance cartoonist. And yes, I am also an illustrator.

Let me tell you something about being an illustrator. My job as an illustrator entails me to create images that will accompany a body of article or story. This is because graphical elements, like drawings and such, enhance the way the brain understands the narrative of the writer. It also makes reading a fun activity, with images that visualizes some of the things described and allows some visual interest for the eyes to feast on.

As an illustrator, I have worked with several publishing companies to design and create covers for books. Needless to say, the images I created are not only colorful but also represent the entire material appropriately. Ever experienced picking up a book, being intrigued by its cover, only to find out that nowhere in the text is obviously related to it and you have to crack your noggin to understand what the image means? Well, being an illustrator, I take it as my job to create covers that publishers will like and the target market can relate to in a jiffy. I have also worked as an illustrator for children’s books and I can honestly say that I always cherish this part of my profession.

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