Posts Tagged ‘cartoons’

Customer Service – cartoons!

November 10, 2009

Cartoon Studio mission statement…Produce quality cartoons for YOU in a creative and stressfree manner!

Here’s some cartoons(That I’ll show you here over the next few posts.) I did to illustrate a book titled WHO PAYS YOUR SALARY – IT’S NOT YOUR BOSS By Jacob Thomas.

If you would like to reserve your copy of the book please click here…WHO PAYS YOUR SALARY


(This was only the initial sketch.)

CHAPTER 3 Extract….

There’s an old expression, “Perception is all there is”. The customer’s perception is reality, and perception is rarely neutral: it’s either positive or negative.

When seating me in a St. Louis area restaurant, the host pulled out the chair. I was grateful, but one look under the table filled me with apprehension. I could see under the table that the floor was littered with crumbs and empty cracker packages. When I see the dining room floor, I now know what the kitchen looks like and what kind of food to expect. That’s my perception — and it becomes the reality by which I decide whether to eat there again.

Cartoon Wedding map!

June 29, 2009


It’s wedding season here and I’ve recently produced a little wedding map to help guests find the church and then afterwards help them get to the reception. Now isn’t that a very neat idea – not mine but from the guy how commissioned it.(I’m full of ideas but he beat me to this one!)

Wedding map for directions to church and reception.

Wedding map for directions to church and reception.

Cartoons to illustrate – TOTAL CUSTOMER SATISFACTION…

May 27, 2009

“It is the aim of ABB Kent Meters Ltd to supply products and services which
completely satisfy our customers.”
Kent Meters Mission Statement

Cartoons for total customer satisfaction, total quality management cartoons.

Cartoons for total customer satisfaction, total quality management cartoons.

Our mission statement sets a very simple objective of delivering total customer
satisfaction. We already are better that our competitors in a lot of the things we
do and we already have the most committed people in the industry.
We will achieve total customer saisfaction through a continuous quality
improvement programme, which gets everyone involved in finding new or
improved ways of doing things and improving customer service. This process is
called Total Quality Management.
The result will be a more efficient business and, for everyone in Kent Meters, a
better quality of life.
My job was to illustrate a 24 page brochure that would be given to all employees
to help them understand the need for Total Customer Satisfaction.
Quote “We give away 450 water meters every day”
The cost of scrap, rework and warranty returns is equivalent to our giving away
450 meters each day! (Or a Mini car every day!)

See the rest of the cartoons/brochure…

Cartoon for our Wordzworth homepage!?

February 25, 2009

Hi Richard,
I have just built a small UK business website and am considering using a cartoon on our homepage to really illustrate what we do.  I would be able to sketch out a few stick characters to explain the flow of what I’m imagining and could roughly indicate the appearance of the characters. Here’s our existing web page…

Wordzworth web page

Wordzworth web page

My initial thoughts are that of a single shot involving say three business characters sitting at a table each with a thought or speech bubble.  I would probably want the image to look fairly businesslike and not overly humorous.

From the looks of your website this looks to be exactly the sort of thing you do.
However I have two questions before drawing anything up…

What would be the approximate price for this kind of image?
We’re a very small upstart business and I want to make sure we can afford the expense.

How quickly could you knock something like this up?
We’re hoping to have our website completed within the next week so deadlines are pretty tight.  If such a short timescale affects the price, please adjust accordingly.
Many Thanks for your time!!

Here’s the finished cartoon..

Wordzworth cartoon for web site home page.

Wordzworth cartoon for web site home page.

Have a look at the finished piece in place on Kelly’s web site…

And the kind things she said about the Cartoon Studio…

Richard is both extremely talented and provides excellent customer service.
Every question was answered thoroughly, all comments were taken on board and turnaround time was incredibly fast.
He has transformed the Wordzworth homepage and I would highly recommend him to anyone!
Thanks again for doing such a top job!

Cartoon Commission walk through…

February 23, 2009

Cartoon Commission walk through…

Here’s the initial email and brief from Amanda….

Dear Richard,

I am throwing a Bachelorette Party for my best friend, and we are having a German Bierfest Bachelorette Party. There is a German beer festival right across the street, and we’ll all be sporting German beer girl outfits! Amazingly enough though, I’ve scoured the internet looking for appropriate invitations and favors and haven’t found a single one that fits the occassion! I would love to be able to get custom Beer Steins as favors, but the only German-bierfest themed stein I could find was tailored to Bachelors only.

I thought it would be just perfect if I could get a little cartoon of a bunch of girls in dirndls holding beer steins. The central girl should be tall and thin with shoulder length dark curly hair pulled into pigtails and large boobs, wearing a pink dress with brown apron (that’s the bride). Next to her should be a shorter girl with only slightly smaller boobs, dirty blonde hair in 2 braids (that’s me), wearing light blue dress with white apron. The top of my head comes up to the bottom of her neck, right above her shoulder. The other girls can be in between heights and whatever hair and dress color you want and as many as you want, but my best friend and I are known for looking funny together with the extreme height difference. I’ve attached a picture for you so you kind of know what we look like.

I would also like one girl, not me or the bride, to be about to take a bite of a very long, very phallic bratwurst. I don’t care if you do it or I do it, but after I get it I would use Oktoberfest type lettering to write “Bachelorette Bierfest” across the top. Or, if you want to include the lettering with the cartoon, you could have it weaving through the girls somehow. The positioning doesn’t really matter, it just needs to be there. Maybe the date of the party too, August 23, 2008, or the name of the bride, Sara Varnum. I give you free artistic license based on the aforementioned guidelines.

I would like to print the cartoon on approximately 6-10 steins, and also use it for 12 invitations. I see you also make greeting cards so that would be great if you could do the invites too, but just one sheet, not a foldover type thing. I suppose I need to commission you for the cartoon, then I would like the rights to reproduce it for the steins. Also, if it’s not too much additional cost, I would like to be able to have the cartoon printed on 20 personalized stamps to use with the invitations through, but they are very strict with copyright rules so I would need explicit permission for it.

Bier Fest cartoon

Bier Fest cartoon

After the completed project…

Richard is a joy to work with!  He worked with my budget, my ideas, and my requests with expert artistry and impeccable efficiency!  He works so fast and does exactly what you want and even exceeded my expectations.  Any changes I wanted were done immediately and perfectly, and there was no frustrating back and forth email exchange.  It was so easy, and I know my party will be extra special because of his work!

Thanks again!!!!


For more cartoons and caricatures visit….

I love drawing Cartoon and Comic Strips!

February 19, 2009

I love drawing cartoon strips or comic strips as some call them.

The process of using drawn images to tell a story is an ancient one. In the present times, practically all newspapers in the world have a page dedicated to comic strips and many people are actually more interested in reading them than reading the headlines for the day. Just what is it about comic strips that draws our attention and makes us read them practically day in and day out?

Irresponsible dog owners

Irresponsible dog owners

(I’ve been drawing this strip for 10 years or more – or 70 in dog years!)

Comic strips are interesting. Sometimes they depict everyday human existence that mirrors our own, sometimes they tell of utterly fantastic and humanly impossible feats of superheroes and their villains. Either way, they divert the mind from mundane thoughts and introduce ideas and concepts that may sometimes amaze and amuse us.

Most comic strips are also inherently humorous, with themes and punch lines that bring out a few chuckles and smiles out of its readers. Texts are not the only ones that make comic strips entertaining. Sometimes the way the characters are drawn and depicted is the source of amusement, and some people may even find themselves relating to the protagonist’s appearance and situations.

Though it may look like it is so easy to create comic strips, a few talents, both inborn and learned, are actually prerequisites in making them. One is the ability to make a character come to life, be they of common appearances or possessing totally inhuman-like features. Another is the capability of the creator to be able to develop the characters and sustain their storylines for a long period of time. It is safe to say that comic strips characters really depend upon their creators, the cartoonist, for them to ‘come alive’ and be able to reach out to its readers.

So when you want to commission someone to make comic strips for your organization or business, be sure to hire someone totally reliable to be able to see your project to the finish, especially if you plan on producing comic strips in a regular basis.

MD - Phone a friend cartoon strip

MD - Phone a friend cartoon strip

In my long years as a freelance cartoonist, I also gained extensive experience when it comes to formulating, designing, and creating comic strips. I even maintain stock images of cartoon characters I have created all through the years, some of them appropriate for certain age groups. Most of the images that I create have a gentle appearance in them. This is because I strive to create characters in comic strips that are believable, whom readers can actually relate to and even empathize with. However, I can also be flexible in my style if the client wishes me to. I am always open to the prospect of doing something new, something unique, something that will bring satisfaction to me and to the people I work for.

I make it a point to create not only funny individuals and situations to portray in comic stips. I also make sure that whatever messages the client wishes to convey to readers are also understood by them. My dedication to use comic strips as tools for communication is what makes me unique and apart from all the other garden-variety cartoonists you might encounter on a regular basis. Like I said, I love drawing cartoon strips.

Cartoon to illustrate – Condom Sales Soar!

February 16, 2009

I came across this piece on my web travels that made me smile…

USA Today reported that condom sales rose
5% in the fourth quarter of 2008 and are already up
6% in January over last year’s sales.

So, while car purchases plummet, and designer
clothes sit on the racks… people are upping their
purchases of condoms.
“If people don’t have the money to go out
to a fancy dinner or  are looking to cut back,
Condoms give them some real affordable ways to
stay in and make some great memories together.”

A night in!

A night in!

I’m a children’s book illustrator as well!

July 16, 2008

Hi, my name is Richard Duszczak and I am a freelance cartoonist. And yes, I am also an illustrator.

Let me tell you something about being an illustrator. My job as an illustrator entails me to create images that will accompany a body of article or story. This is because graphical elements, like drawings and such, enhance the way the brain understands the narrative of the writer. It also makes reading a fun activity, with images that visualizes some of the things described and allows some visual interest for the eyes to feast on.

As an illustrator, I have worked with several publishing companies to design and create covers for books. Needless to say, the images I created are not only colorful but also represent the entire material appropriately. Ever experienced picking up a book, being intrigued by its cover, only to find out that nowhere in the text is obviously related to it and you have to crack your noggin to understand what the image means? Well, being an illustrator, I take it as my job to create covers that publishers will like and the target market can relate to in a jiffy. I have also worked as an illustrator for children’s books and I can honestly say that I always cherish this part of my profession.

For the rest of this page visit my web site….